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Parenting tips for toddlers (age 1-3)


Parenting Tips for Toddlers (age 1-3)

Help Your Child Learn New Words:

  • Encourage your toddler to explore and try new things
  • Set up a special time to read books with your child.
  • Play matching games like shape sorting and simple picture or number puzzles.
  • Explain in simple way how things work.
  • Encourage pretend play with your child.
  • Play follow the leader.
  • Help your child learn language by talking with them and adding to words they use.
  •  If your toddler says “Mama” say something like, “Yes, you are right, that is mama.

  • Encourage Your Child to Explore
  • Ask your child to find different things and to name different  Shapes, colors and objects around the house.
  • Encourage your child’s  ability to recognize common objects away from home.
  • Encourage your child’s feeling of independence by letting them help get dressed or feed themselves.
  • Respond positively to good behaviors more than you punish unwanted ones (and only use brief time outs)
  • Or criticize the behavior, not the child. “Do not touch the hot stove, you could get hurt.” Is better than “You are being a bad boy!”etc.
  • Ask your child to tell you their name and age.

    Help Your Child Express Themselves

    • Let your toddler make choices, like which game to play or what book to read.
    • Limit the choices you give to two or three, this lets them feel in control without getting frustrated 
    • Teach your child simple songs like Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star, Johny johny, and other childhood rhymes
    • Limit attention you give to tantrums and acting up. Teach your child better ways to show when they are upset.                                      

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